Thursday, April 24, 2008

Searching for Summer Programs

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. It was great to get together with the YPFP-C crew earlier this month. We are in a position to finish this school year very positively and continue to build the program. It is important to keep the momentum going through the summer months. If everyone can spend a little bit of time, we can find many excellent outlets to stay involved. We want to continue to build relationships with teachers that will allow us to get off to a fast start this fall. As schools are wrapping up for the year we do have a sense of urgency. Hat tip to Meaghan for all of her efforts in this area.

In a brief brainstorming session this evening people came up with many intersting areas to look. I thought this UMD (How about those Terps, Sarah!) program looked good.

I know we can find some great opportunities and build our contacts. Please pass on the details of these contacts to the leadership staff. I am sure others have better ideas about this stuff than my scatterbrained thoughts. It would be great to throw some ideas up on the blog.

Check out this article featuring a student from one of our partner schools, Thurgood Marshall Academy.

1 comment:

CMase said...

This sounds like a great idea! I worked for an organization called Partnership for the Future in Richmond, Va 4 years ago, and we could definitely use some of their ideas for the summer (helping students with college apps, getting them tours at universities in the area, etc...). For more on their organization, check out their website: